Customer is God
Japan is number one
Creating "benefits" by imitating

USA: Reagan administration's "money circulation strategy"
The strong dollar increased US imports, and the "strong economy," "strong currency," "big budget deficit," and "big trade deficit" mutually reinforced each other, resulting in high growth in low inflation. It was a mechanism to maintain "mighty military power" by attracting "goods and funds" from all over the world.
Imitation economy is prohibited

President Reagan announced a trade policy action program, calling for greater protection of intellectual property rights. Despite the fact that the United States has always led creative research, there was frustration that the resulting inventions were not adequately protected. We urged each country to raise the level of protection of intellectual property rights.
get angry america
Japan buying up American real estate

1989(平成元)年 平成のはじまりは、まだバブルの絶頂期であり、その後の長い経済低迷など考える由もなかった。当時の日本の強さを象徴するできごとが、三菱地所によるロックフェラーセンターの買収だった。
1989 (Heisei 1)
The beginning of Heisei was still at the height of the bubble, and there was no reason to think about the long economic downturn that followed. An event that symbolized Japan's strength at the time was the acquisition of Rockefeller Center by Mitsubishi Estate. Acquired for about 220 billion yen. There was a great deal of opposition from Americans that the American soul, which Sony had acquired Columbia Pictures, was bought by Japan Money.
The Japanese thought that economic growth was their own power.
It was an illusion.
Japan had no vision to create the future.

However, the Japanese have the illusion that they have run on their own feet.
The problem that a nation without a vision for the future is facing now is the terrifying population decline.